What I have been through makes me strong, not broken.
What I have been through gives me a better perspective on life, instead of seeing through a narrow lens.
What I have been through makes me understand and relate to people better, not be judgmental and cold.
What I have been through should teach me that each moment spent wallowing in my depression is one more moment wasted, one more moment where they win.
So, let's get this out of my system and be done with it:
Dad - fuck you. FUCK you. You not only made one mistake, but repeated, abhorrent mistakes that destroyed our family. I'm sure the main reason you avoid being a father to me is because you're too afraid to see how badly you've screwed me up.
Mom - fuck you too. You are way too busy stuffing your face up your own ass to see the mess you've made. Open your eyes, you're not innocent here.
Erin and Kelly - you guys suck. You both are hypocritical and controlling and quite frankly, bitches. Let me live my life the way I want to and stop pulling the "I'm bigger and know what's best for you" crap. We have all been through our individual battles, but my war was far more bloody than the two of yours combined and somehow I can still manage to be decent to people.
Tatiana: the entire time I have known you, I have thought about putting you through a meat grinder. Or a wood chipper. I think that says a lot about the mental anguish you cause small children. I highly suggest adjusting something.
Vaughan, Chance, Scotty: you pigs literally disgust me. You have nothing to live for other than beer and...well, that's about it. Beer. The world would be such a better place without you three. The fact that I wasted my time in your mere presence is enough to make me want to take a flat iron to my eyeballs. Do me a favor, go to fucking hell. But not before I chop your dicks off.
Cailean: ew, ew, ew. Loathsome human being. You are never gonna be off the hook for all of the shit you pulled. NOPE. Just gross. Also, you have me to thank for your dumb career in the medical field. Dumbass. Hope you get that speech impediment fixed. You know, might be an issue when you're trying to shout out what medication to give someone.
Eric: yet another example of a worthless human being. Yeah, that's about it cuz there's really not much to you. Figuratively, of course, because everyone knows that you are going to die from a complication of obesity.
Okay, those are all of the things worth spending my energy on saying. That's it. Done. Moving on.
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